15 Jul 2011 Rangiora Resevoir, North Canterbury
Date: June – July 2011
Client: Waimakiriri District Council
Engineer: Opus International Consultants
Main Contractor: Downer Ltd
PT Subcontractor: BBR Contech
The Waimakiriri District Council embarked on an upgrade to improve the quality and capacity of its water supply system in 2011 to met the future needs of Rangiora community to 2060.
As part of the upgrade a new post-tensioned reservoir was built by Downer Ltd at South Belt, Rangiora. The reservoir is 34 metre diameter constructed using 220mm thick precast concrete wall panels 5.28m high with 11 rings of 54mm ID Drossbach duct housing 22№ BBR CMI (Internal Bonded) 705 strand tendons stressed through 4 pilaster panels.