Lancaster Park, Waltham, Christchurch

Date: November – December 2015

Client: Christchurch City Council

Project Manager: City Care Ltd

Structural Engineer: Beca

Subcontractor: BBR Contech

Comprehensive nonlinear dynamic analyses and material testing was requested by CCC and their insurer to assess the behaviour of both the Deans and Paul Kelly stands at Lancaster Park (AMI Stadium) during the 2010 and 2011 Christchurch Earthquakes.

As a leading provider of specialist contracting services related to concrete strengthening, protection and repair, BBR Contech was engaged by Main Contractor City Care Ltd to carry out a detailed sampling program including location and extraction of concrete and steel rebar specimens for testing to determine mechanical properties and strain effects on sampled structural elements.

Hydro cutting was used to expose reinforcing samples which were then removed undamaged. The test results will be an important factor in determining the future of Lancaster Park as a sports venue in its current location.

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