Fork Farm Homestead, Wanaka, Central Otago

Date: April 2013

Client: Phill Hunt & Lizzie Carruthers

Engineer: Batchelar McDougall Consulting

Contractor: Tony Higgins

Originally part of Wanaka Station, Fork Farm has been in the Hunt family since 1928 and the farming operation includes sheep, deer and beef cattle. The two level homestead was built by Scottish stonemasons over 100 years ago and was being strengthened and refurbished with a view to another 100 years.

Strengthening works included cutting vertical slots at nominated centres to interior and exterior faces and installing “near surface mounted” Sika Carbodur S212 (20mm wide x 1.2mm thickness) carbon fibre plates full height of each wall. A total of 221 linear metres was installed. In addition 60m² Sikawrap 930G glass unidirectional fabric was applied to internal walls which due to the irregular stone surface was required to be built out to meet the Sikawrap levelness criteria using Sikadur 32 epoxy tie coat and Sika Structural Mortar.

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